The representatives of the project of the Ópusztaszer Heritage Park and the Historical Archives Senta by the name Living archives – Relics of Common Cultural Heritage, which is being realized within the Interreg-IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia program, held a press conference on 19 February and presented the project results to date in the City Hall of Zenta, which was then followed by the launch of the publication The Agricultural and Industrial History of the Great Southern Plain at the Turn of the 20th Century , also part of the project, at the Alkotóház (artist house) in Zenta.
The aim of the publication The Agricultural and Industrial History of the Great Southern Plain at the Turn of the 20th Century is to provide a complex image of the peasant and farmer society of the era with the help of museum pieces and the use of documents of historical significance, but also to address the readers in the plainest possible style in order to present them to the exciting world of public collections.