The “Living archives – Relics of Common Cultural Heritage” project led by the Historical Archives in Zenta and the Ópusztaszer National Heritage Park was implemented within the Interreg-IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia framework between March 2018 and February 2020 and was finalized with the closing conference on 21 February. The results achieved through the project were all presented at the event.
AT the beginning of the conference, the attending guests were first greeted by Péter Kertész, the director of the Ópusztaszer National Heritage Park, followed by István Fodor, the director of the Historical Archives.
Dániel Pópity, the archeologist of the Móra Ferenc Museum in Szeged spoke of the archeological findings in the Heritage Park, while Dr. József Szabó the museologist and associate of the Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural Mechanics in Gödöllő, gave a presentation on the restauration of agricultural machinery. Tamás Máté, the architect of the ONHP, gave a lecture on the design and construction of the newly built exhibition space.
Tibor Molnár, the Chief Archivist, spoke of the archival research carried out in Szeged and Szabadka, while Ferenc Szűgyi gave a presentation on the commercial register created as result of the research.